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We just updated our Reference Designs

Apr 16, 2021
reference designs for xilinx zynq ultrascale+ mpsoc

Thanks to Enclustra's Reference Designs and BSPs, the integration of a System-on-Module is a snap.

Enclustra just released new and updated Reference Designs for all Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC and Zynq SoC based System-on-Modules (SOM). They are available for Vivado as well as for Vitis. The extensive and in-detail documentation make getting started a snap.

At the same time we do now offer also Petalinux to build the Board Support Package (BSP). All steps to a successful build are described in detail in the BSP usage documentation. Give it a try and get your project started now!

Andromeda is on the horizon

Mar 29, 2021
enclustra xilinx zynq ultrascale+ zu17eg soc system on module som
Andromeda – the new high-end form factor from Enclustra

Up to 686 user I/Os with a Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZU17EG or ZU19EG on only 80×64 mm – that's the Andromeda System-on-Module family.

With the Andromeda XZU90 Enclustra is presenting its first module in the brand new Andromeda form factor. The modular Andromeda System-on-Module (SOM) family is optimized for high-end applications. It supports up to 6 Samtec ADM6-60 high-speed connectors with up to 686 user I/Os.

Thanks to its built-in Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC ZU17EG/ZU19EG devices, the Andromeda XZU90 is the optimal solution for the most rugged and demanding applications. The SOM integrates up to 8 GByte fast DDR4 SDRAM with Error Correction Code (ECC), 16 GByte eMMC flash and 128 MByte quad SPI flash. For communication it offers up to 5 x PCIe Gen3 x16, Gigabit Ethernet PHY, USB 3.0 thanks to the 76 MGTs with up to 25 Gbit/sec – all on a tiny footprint of just 80 × 64 mm.

Get all the details: Andromeda XZU90

Ethernet without any hassle

Mar 02, 2021
enclustra ethernet application note
Get Ethernet up and running on your FPGA

The Enclustra Gigabit Ethernet Application Note explains how to set up Gigabit Ethernet

In a lot of FPGA-based applications Ethernet is the preferred means for communication with a host. The Gigabit Ethernet Application Note gives an overview of the set up process for Gigabit Ethernet on Enclustra hardware. This includes obtaining the individual MAC addresses of the hardware in use, setting the correct RGMII timing constraints and configuring the PHY delays via MDIO.

The quickest and easiest way to obtain the MAC address of a module is with the Enclustra Module Configuration Tool (MCT): Only a USB connection is required to access and configure various baseboard and module properties. How to configure Ethernet bare metal, with U-boot and Linux is also described in detail in the application note.

Get all the details: Enclustra Gigabit Ethernet Application Note

EnTegra – your direct contact in the UK

Feb 01, 2021
lewis williams managing director entegra john owen technical director entegra
EnTegra Solutions is the official Enclustra partner in the UK

Lewis Williams (left), and John Owen have more than 20 years of experience.

Enclustra is happy to welcome EnTegra Solutions as its official reseller for Enclustra products in the UK. EnTegra has more than 20 years of experience in software and FPGA firmware development. EnTegra has always been more than just a reseller. As well as technical sales support, EnTegra has also developed example programs and full application suites to meet customer needs.

EnTegra is not only your first level contact for technical support: All of the products require technical expertise to ensure that the right product fits the application requirements before items are manufactured and shipped to the end user. That's exactly where the extensive expertise of EnTegra helps in finding the optimal solution.

You can contact EnTegra with any questions about the products at www.entegra.co.uk or send a message.

I2C what?

Jan 25, 2021
enclustra i2c application note
The I2C bus needs only 2 wires for bi-directional communication

A master can communicate with up to 1008 nodes at speeds of up to 5 Mbit/s.

The I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol was invented 1982 by Philips. Thanks to it's simplicity and use of only 2 wires it is still very popular and widely used. Every Enclustra Module uses at least one I2C bus to communicate with several chips. Be it EEPROM, Real Time Clock (RTC) or clock generator: They are all connected via I2C to the FPGA.

The Enclustra I2C Application Note describes different possibilities to make use of the I2C bus to interface with the different I2C devices on Enclustra hardware. The Application Note gives an overview of the I2C bus in general and lists all the different devices present on Enclustra hardware and their capabilities (in terms of I2C communication).

Get all the details: Enclustra I2C Application Note

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