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Mars MA3 Cyclone V SoC module user manual

Jun 23, 2017
mars ma3 cyclone V user manual

Our first Altera Cyclone V SoC Module in the Mars form factor just went into production, and we can't wait to get our hands on it. If you’d like to learn more about this compact and powerful little chap, get in touch and we'll furnish you with the user manual. Click through for more info.

Motion control kit for BLDC, DC and stepper motors

Jun 13, 2017
Enclustra Universal Drive IP Core Evaluation Kit

We've just added a couple of more features to our tried-and-tested Universal Drive IP Evaluation Kit: support for DC and stepper motors. With BLDC motors already supported, the evaluation kit now covers all of the most widely used motor types, and is available for both Intel and Xilinx FPGAs.

The highly optimized Universal Drive IP Solution supports up to 8 drives per controller, and up to 4 PID controllers per drive (position, velocity, current), at control rates of up to 200kHz. Click through to check out all the features of the Universal Drive Controller IP Core.

Mars XU3 UltraScale+ Module usermanual

May 16, 2017
mars xu3 zynq ultrascale+ user manual

The bring-up of our first Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ SoC module in the Mars form factor is coming along nicely - if you’d like to learn more about this compact and powerful little chap, get in touch and we'll furnish you with the user manual. Click through for more info.

Evaluation kit for FPGA Manager now available

May 02, 2017
Enclustra FPGA Manager IP Solution Evaluation Kit

For a speedy evaluation of our FPGA Manager communication solution, an evaluation kit is now available. It supports PCIe, Ethernet and USB 3.0, on Windows and Linux1 hosts. In addition to an evaluation license, the kit includes a Mercury KX1-160 FPGA module, Mercury+ PE1-200 base board and power supply.

To help you get your application up and running as fast as possible, 2 hours of support are also included in the package.

1. USB 3.0 is currently not supported on Linux.

High-precision EMV measurements

Apr 24, 2017

Every consumer electronics product has to comply with standards for electromagnetic radiation to ensure that any emitted radiation is not harmful to those who use it. The same principle applies for industrial electronic devices; there are strict rules regarding the amount of emitted radiation which is permitted. In both cases, the device’s manufacturer must prove that radiation emitted is within the allowed range. A more precise measurement of this radiation means that a smaller margin of error has to be applied and thus makes it easier it to meet the certification criteria.

We were approached by a customer with the aim of building high-precision measurement equipment for electric and magnetic fields for certification purposes. The baseboard that carries the electromagnetic sensors and all required analog electronics is being developed by the customer, and is equipped with a small, custom FPGA module. This module, as well as the FPGA firmware running on it, is being developed by Enclustra. The firmware contains a wide array of signal processing to correct any measurement distortions caused by the analog electronics, as well as complex data-logging logic and an interface to a host PC, where the final data processing is applied and the certification criteria evaluated.

Thanks to the use of ready-to-use Enclustra IP cores in this project, the development effort has been greatly reduced: FPGA Manager USB 2.0 is used for the communication with the host PC, and the buffering logic is mainly implemented using the Stream Buffer Controller IP Core.

Click through to read more about some of our customer projects.

141 - 145 of 230 news items