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Jul 18, 2016

For a cost-optimisation project in the field of industrial sensors in the security industry, we recently completed work which allows communication with sensors over power supply lines. An FPGA takes care of the channel encoding and decoding, and slots into the existing application seamlessly. Using this technique, the sensors can be connected via a two-wire connection, instead of the previous four-wire connection. Nifty.

Check out our design services offerings for more information.

Evaluate FPGA Manager - for free

Jul 11, 2016

Whether it’s writing configuration data, reading out measurement data, or streaming video, communication with a host PC is a part of many FPGA-based applications. This requires that the gap between the two very different worlds of VHDL programming and software development is bridged, ideally in such a way that both VHDL developer and software programmer can work within their areas of expertise without having to get deep into foreign technical territory.

FPGA Manager is a solution which brings all of these requirements together: an intuitive VHDL interface, a simple software interface, and all interfacing needs in between taken care of; interfaces such as USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet and PCI Express are all supported using one software API.

We're offering a free evaluation version of FPGA Manager upon request, for selected combinations of our FPGA modules and base boards.

Mercury+ PE1 base board, now in 3 variants

Jul 03, 2016
Enclustra Mercury+ PE1 base board

Our Mercury PE1 base board is now the Mercury+ PE1 base board - this transformation, however, hasn't required any shape-shifting. At first glance it's the same PCIe base board as before, but it's now offered in 3 different variants: the PE1-200, PE1-300, and PE1-400. The keen-eyed reader will also notice the third 168-pin Hirose connector, which means the board now supports FPGA and SoC modules in the Mercury+ form factor, which have 3 connectors, as well as Mercury modules with 2 connectors. The additional I/Os can be put to use with an FMC high pin-count add-on board, available on the PE1-300, or via two FMC low pin-count connectors, as on the PE1-400.

Visit us at Embedded World!

Feb 22, 2016

We're in Nuremberg this week for the behemoth of a trade fair that is Embedded World - come and visit us at booth 5-211!

The Enclustra Linux build environment has arrived

Oct 09, 2015
Enclustra Linux build environment

The new Linux build environment makes building Linux for Enclustra SoC modules a breeze - select your module type and base board, let the build system loose, and when the build completes you'll have ready-to-run Linux binaries for your Xilinx Zynq or Altera Cyclone V SoC module. Click through to take a look.

166 - 170 of 231 news items