Publications / Talks
Webinar “How is AI-powered technology changing the smart city?” , November 12, 2024. Watch the Webinar recording to get expert opinions on urban development challenges and AI-powered FPGA technology breakthroughs.
Demo of Andromeda XRU50 RFSoC at Embedded World 2024, by Dr. Harry Commin, Lead FPGA/SoC Firmware Engineer at Enclustra . Explore the RFSoC module's impressive capabilities in high-frequency RF signal generation.
Migrating DSP Projects to FPGAs/s . White paper 04.07.2023, Harry Commin, Enclustra GmbH.
Efficient FPGA-Based DSP up to GS/s . Speech held on July 5, 2022 at FPGA Conference Europe 2022, Harry Commin, Enclustra GmbH.
Generic high-performance DSP Library for FPGAs . Speech held on 1.6.2021 at Embedded Computing Conference (Virtual), Harry Commin, Enclustra GmbH
Jump-start your AI based FPGA application Seminar from Enclustra and Avnet Silica at EPFL Lausanne on 19.11.2019 and at ZHAW Winterthur on 21.11.2019. Talks (english):
Preempt-RT Latency
Benchmarking of the Cortex-A53 processor talk (english), held on 23.10.2018 at the Embedded Linux Conference Europe , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, by Paul Thomas , Lead Embedded Software Engineer at AMSC .
Universal connection between an FPGA and a high level programming language talk (english), held on 13.06.2018 at the FPGA Congress , Munich
Xilinx UltraScale+ MPSoC as Application Accelerator talk (english), held at the Embedded Computing Conference 2018 , Winterthur.
SoC Systeme
ultraschnell entwickeln mit Vivado und Visual System Integrator talk (english), held on 12.07.2017 at the FPGA Congress , Munich and on 5.09.2017 at the Embedded Computing Conference 2017 , Winterthur.
Universelle Anbindung von FPGAs an Hochsprachen talk, held on 12.02.2015 at FPGA Tage , München.
Successful Development of IP Cores for Vivado™ IP Integrator talk, held on 12.11.2014 at the Xilinx Club Vivado Users Group, Stuttgart.
MATLAB® and Simulink® in the FPGA design process talk, held on 30.9.2014 at the MathWorks and Enclustra seminar "Simplify Software and Hardware Co-Design with MATLAB", Zurich.
USB 3.0, PCI Express and Ethernet under one umbrella talk, held on 13.6.2013 at All Programmable PLC2 Days 2013 , Stuttgart.
Experience gained from designing our first Zynq®-7000 based Embedded Processing Module (EPM) talk, held on 21.6.2012 at PLC2 FPGA Days 2012 , Stuttgart.
USB 3.0 Connectivity using the Cypress EZ-USB® FX3™ Controller talk, held on 20.6.2012 at PLC2 FPGA Days 2012 , Stuttgart.
Universal FPGA High-Performance Drive Control talk, held on 19.6.2012 at PLC2 FPGA Days 2012 , Stuttgart.
FPGA Technology and Industry Experience talk, held on 24.5.2012 at Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur (HSLU) , Horw.
FPGA Technology and Industry Experience talk, held on 29.2.2012 in the context of the DT2 course at the institute for microelectronics (IME) at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) , Brugg.
Möglichkeiten und Vorteile von FPGAs in Motortsteuerungen, Teil 2/2: Wie der Einstieg in die FPGA-Technologie gelingt , report in the MegaLink journal 06/2012 (PDF, german).
Möglichkeiten und Vorteile von FPGAs in Morotsteuerungen, Teil 1/2: FPGAs beleben die Antriebstechnik , report in the MegaLink journal 05/2012 (PDF, german).
FPGA-Technologie im industriellen Umfeld talk, held on 30.8.2011 at the Embedded Computing Conference 2011 (PDF, english).
Drive Control talk, held on 18.5.2011 at PLC2 FPGA Days 2011 , Stuttgart.
Software Defined Radio talk, held on 17.5.2011 at PLC2 FPGA Days , Stuttgart.
FPGA Technology and Industry Experience talk, held on 2.3.2011 in the context of the DT2 course at the institute for microelectronics (IME) at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) , Brugg.
Display & Drive Control using FPGAs talk, held on 31.8.2010 at the Embedded Computing Conference 2010 (PDF, english).
FPGA Technology and Industry Experience talk, held on 26.5.2010 in the context of the VLSI III course at D-ITET, ETH Zurich.
FPGA-Technologie im industriellen Umfeld talk, held on 11.5.2010 at the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil HSR (PDF, english).
Ein leistungsfähiges Duo für FPGA Drive Control , report in the MegaLink journal 02/2010 (PDF, german).
Premiere an der Embedded World 2009 , report in the MegaLink journal 03/2009 (PDF, german).
Full Linux on FPGA , Talk, held at the Embedded Computing Conference 2009 and at the Embedded World 2009 (PDF, english).