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Club Vivado: Successful development of IP cores for Vivado IP Integrator

Nov 17, 2014

Successful development of IP cores for Vivado™ IP Integrator

Enclustra was invited to the Xilinx Club Vivado Users Group event in Stuttgart and was asked to give a presentation related to Vivado. What was the presentation all about? Have a look here: Successful Development of IP Cores for Vivado™ IP Integrator

Presentation: MATLAB® and Simulink® in the FPGA design process

Oct 29, 2014

MATLAB® and Simulink® in the FPGA design process

Enclustra and MathWorks held an exclusive Seminar in Zurich: Simplify Software and Hardware Co-Design with MATLAB. Enclustra and MathWorks engineers illustrated how algorithms can be easily prototyped and then implemented on FPGAs, ASICs, MCUs, DSPs and SoCs (Xilinx Zynq, Altera SoC), simplifying and accelerating the implementation of your applications. Did you miss the event? Download the Enclustra presentation here: MATLAB® and Simulink® in the FPGA design process

More cost-effective Mars AX3 modules in production

Jul 28, 2014

Enclustra Mars AX3 Xilinx Artix Module

The Mars AX3 FPGA module family has gained some little brothers - the compact Mars AX3 is now available with XC7A100T, XC7A50T and XC7A35T Xilinx Artix FPGAs. These variants, which offer from over 100,000 logic cells down to 33,000, mean that a module can be chosen according to the processing power required - thus optimising costs. more

Mercury SA1 Altera® Cylcone® V SoC Module in production

Jul 28, 2014

Enclustra Mercury SA1 Altera Cyclone V SoC Module

The Mercury FPGA module family is growing - the Mercury SA1 system-on-chip (SoC) module has just entered production. It combines Altera's Cyclone V ARM Processor-based SoC FPGA with fast DDR3 SDRAM, quad SPI flash, a Gigabit Ethernet PHY and an RTC and thus forms a high-performance embedded processing solution, combining the flexibility of a CPU system with the raw, real-time parallel processing power of an FPGA. more

Is your module configuration tool up to date?

Jun 30, 2014

181 - 185 of 231 news items