Enclustra FPGA Solutions | Unlock AI Magic with TensorFlow 2 and AMD Vitis™ | Enclustra & Avnet Silica Workshop |

Unlock AI Magic with TensorFlow 2 and AMD Vitis™|
Enclustra & Avnet Silica Workshop

Are you ready to delve into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and FPGA integration? Join us for an immersive one-day-workshop where you'll learn the cutting-edge techniques of seamlessly integrating machine learning models into FPGA architectures.

In this hands-on workshop, you'll embark on a journey through:

  • CNN Training: Master the fundamentals of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with practical training sessions using TensorFlow 2.
  • Vivado and Petalinux Design Integration: Learn how to effectively integrate your ML models into FPGA architectures using industry-leading tools like Vivado and Petalinux.
  • ML Model Deployment onto Enclustra Hardware: Explore the process of deploying your trained models onto Enclustra hardware, unlocking the true potential of FPGA System-on-Chips (SoCs).

By the end of this workshop, you'll have invaluable practical skills and insights into leveraging Enclustra’s FPGA SoCs in ML applications.

Plus, as a token of our appreciation, participants will receive a design-in kit to kickstart their projects immediately.

Take advantage of this opportunity to revolutionize your AI projects and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of machine learning and FPGA integration.

Fee: CHF 300 (includes an Enclustra Design-In Kit Mars XU3)

Time: 09:00 AM CEST
Location: Europaallee - memox, Reitergasse 9, CH-8004 Zürich

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