Linux Is Not Rocket Science

The Enclustra Build Environment (EBE) makes building the Linux-based Board Support Package (BSP) a snap.
Thanks to the Enclustra Build Environment (EBE), compiling Linux and building a Board-Support-Package (BSP) is not rocket science anymore. The EBE is a tool which allows you to quickly set up and run any Enclustra module running a Xilinx Zynq (UltraScale+ MPSoC) device. You only need to select the desired target and the tool downloads all the required binaries, such as the bitstream and FSBL. It also downloads and compiles software such as U-Boot, Linux, and a Buildroot-based root file system – all with a push of a button. For automating the build process, besides the GUI mode a command line interface is also available.
We just updated the tool to support Xilinx Vivado 2020.1 and also the very powerful Mercury+ XU9 SOM and the new Mercury+ ST1 base board. Check it out yourself: Compile Linux now.
If you prefer petalinux, we have got you covered too: Jumpstart with our PetaLinux based Board Support Packages.