New IP Solution: Universal DSP Library

Enclustra’s brand new Universal DSP Library provides efficient FPGA implementations of the most common digital signal processing components, such as FIR and CIC filters, mixers, CORDIC and function approximations. It also provides the necessary glue logic needed to connect DSP systems together, such as multiplexers, stream splitters, buffers, TDM-parallel converters and fixed-point format converters.
The main emphasis is on minimizing development time. Every component is provided not only in raw VHDL source code, but also as a Xilinx Vivado IPI block. This allows signal processing chains to be built rapidly using Vivado’s Block Design GUI, or by direct VHDL instantiation.
To further simplify and speed up development, the DSP Library also contains bit-true simulation models based on an open-source Python framework. This allows the exact functionality to be tested, simulated, and optimized with the full power and ease of Python.
Do you like to know more? Read all the details.